Family is a subject that most people want to keep private to some degree. At the very least, people want to be able to handle family matters on their own terms. Marriage and starting a family are two of the most intimate experiences in life, so it’s absolutely understandable not to want to have an external force decide what’s best for your marriage or your family. Thankfully, many families and married couples will never have to grapple with the legal system to handle domestic matters.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Some marriages simply reach an impasse and have to end. There are many reasons for a marriage to run its course, even if both parties put in lots of hard work, and even if both people in the couple still love each other. Sometimes, the best thing for everyone involved is the end of the marriage and the initiation of a divorce.
Every divorce, like every marriage, is different. In addition to factors like whether or not there are children involved, and what assets there are to divide, there are more subjective issues like how much anger or other emotions may be involved, and how willing each side is to cooperate with the other. Even totally amicable divorces can be complicated and difficult to navigate legally without help. This is even more true for less amicable divorces, where an ex-partner may be complicating the process in addition to the usual legal frustrations.
Getting divorced, pursuing custody arrangements, and other aspects of family law are already emotionally charged and can be absolutely overwhelming to a layperson. When you are going through the process, it can feel like you are up against unfair odds, and like you are in this fight on your own.
However, if you’re in Edina, MN or the greater Minnesota area, there’s good news: you don’t have to do this alone. Let Jane Van Valkenburg help.
Attorney Jane Van Valkenburg is an accomplished, knowledgeable attorney who has been practicing law in Minnesota for over 36 years. Starting in general practice, Attorney Van Valkenburg pivoted to pursue her passion for supporting families in transition in Edina, the Twin Cities, and greater Minnesota. Every day, she brings her invaluable experience and sterling reputation to the table to give her clients a leg up in any family law proceeding.
Jane embraces her role as a source of support and comfort to her clients, who are often going through the most difficult periods of their lives. To her, cases are not just cases. She intimately understands that every family law case involves exactly that: a family. Each family deserves a healthy, safe, and happy future, and Ms. Van Valkenburg serves as a fierce advocate for those futures.
Jane Van Valkenburg offers many services related to family law, including:
If you are in Edina or greater Minnesota and need an outstanding family lawyer, look no further. Call 952-428-7860 or visit Jane Van Valkenburg’s website or a free, personalized consultation on your case.